فقہ شافعی سوال نمبر – 0021
سوال نمبر/ 0021
کسی شخص کامال چوری ہوجاے اور اس کو کسی آدمی پر شک ہو یا غالب گمان ہو اس نے مال چوری کیا ہے تو کیا اس مشکوک آدمی کے ہاتھ میں قرآن دے کر چوری کرنے یانہ کرنے کا قسم کے ذریعہ اقرار کرانا جائز ہے یا نہیں؟
Question no: 0022
Few people are fond of eating wild cows and deers.,according to shariah what is the ruling on eating the meat of these cattles?
Hazrat Abu Qatadah Radhiallahu anhu states that he hunted a wild donkey and the meat of this were eaten by some sahaba and were refused by some.. then upon asking about this to the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi asallam, he said that it is edible and Allah has made it halal for you.. ( Bukhari :1821)
By this hadeeth, Fuqaha stated that hunting of wild cattles like donkey , cow and deer is permissible and the meat of these cattles are halal…